Flu and Strep

Imagine getting home after work only to find your kid experiencing severe throat challenges. You realize the child is vomiting and having a headache. The signs and symptoms make it hard for you to know if it’s either flu or strep. Several reports assert that flu & strep Sugar Land are common problems children and some adults have been encountering recently. The following are differences between flu and strep based on prevalence, symptoms, causes, risk factors, and treatment to differentiate between the two.


In most cases, influenza or flu is a seasonal illness during late fall and winter. Flu also affects most kids compared to kids because 10% of adults and 20 to 30% of kids are globally infected.

Strep throat is most common in school kids, although there are instances that the adults may also get infected. Deaths resulting from an invasive instance of strep happen in 10 to 15% of the patients.

Signs and Symptoms

Strep: Its symptoms differ depending on the severity and can be transmitted from one individual to another. Some notable differences include Headache, chills, swallowing difficulties, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Flu: the signs and symptoms of flu usually appear suddenly. Some of its devastating symptoms include a stuffy nose, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, body aches, and fever.


The contributor to flu is influenza viruses which contaminate the nose and lungs. Influenza viruses transmit whenever an individual with flu coughs or sneezes, directing drops with the virus into the air and possibly into the mouth of a nearby person.

Strep throat is caused by a bacterium called Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. The bacteria are contagious and transmitted through drops when someone sneezes or talks.

Risk Factors

The flu comprises several risk factors such as kids younger than 5 years or older, adults over 65, pregnant women, obese people, asthma patients, blood disorders, and metabolic disorders. Whenever flu is untreated, it can lead to several complications, including life-threatening to some people of certain age groups.

Being younger is a common risk factor for strep throat in school kids. You should understand that bacteria usually display during the early spring and late fall. Therefore, the risk associated with contracting strep throat is more likely to occur during this time.


In most instances, the most critical flu recommendations comprise massive rest and replenishment of fluid, specifically if the patient has symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. However, there are instances when your health provider may suggest you take antivirus medications when the influenza is severe. If the medications are taken early, the illness period declines.

The most common treatment of strep is through antibiotics, as bacteria call it. When the doctor prescribes treatment, you should ensure you finish the treatment course regardless of how well you feel. You should try consuming a lot of liquids at home and gargling salt water.

If you or your kids suffer from flu or strep, getting quality treatment and a tracking program to monitor the progress is essential. Nevertheless, most healthcare centers do not provide quality care, which may worsen conditions. St. Michael’s Elite Hospital is a critical center set aside to serve patients experiencing flu and strep. The center comprises specialists that you can choose from. Plan a visit to the institution today for exceptional services to end your suffering.