Conventional Internal Tampons for Women

The toxicity of internal tampons is a serious reason for concern for many women. This is not to say that hygienic tampons are toxic – it’s just the reaction some women have in contact with the fibers and the substances used to treat these, like carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide, to name a few.

Such reactions may simply take you by surprise and the consequences are terrible. Another reason to avoid such tampons is a concern for the environment, with so many disposable items getting to the landfill. It’s perfectly understandable why you may feel bad about monthly disposable tampon or pad usage.

Luckily, you can shop for safe and convenient alternatives online and in pharmacies. For a curated list of eco-friendly and safe products, consider checking out

1. Sponges

Whether natural or man-made, sponges can be easily placed inside and be a safe alternative as long as you maintain proper hygiene. Even with special artificial sponges, there won’t be any of those chemicals used to treat the cotton fibers in conventional tampons. Besides, sponges can be washed and reused so it’s all simple and more earth friendly.

2. Rubber cups

Period cups made of safe, medical grade rubber are flexible and highly advantageous. They will trap all the liquid and you will be removing it all as you remove the cup. One such item can last up to 10 years. However, it’s best to replace cups more often, even if you wash them properly. Natural menstrual cups are made of latex, while artificial ones are of silicone. Make sure you don’t have a latex allergy before trying the natural type.

3. Cloth pads

Pads are still a viable option during menstruation, but it’s completely understandable if you don’t fancy all that plastic being thrown away with just one use. There is really nothing outdated or embarrassing about wearing cloth pads. Women have done that for centuries and it worked. Today, you can have very pretty models, well seamed and textured, easy to wear, wash and dry. Most of such pads have a surface fabric plus a different core layer, highly absorbing. The exterior lining should be water resistant. Handmade pads are great – in fact, these are most frequently found on the market. They represent the better alternative when you don’t want to wear anything internally and aim to reduce all risks.

4. Biodegradable pads and tampons

At first, there is no major difference between these and the conventional range. They look and work just the same way. It’s the material that’s different.Chlorine free pads and tampons that are biodegradable are a rare find, but you should definitely try them out. They aren’t reusable, but at least will be completely safe and friendly to the environment as well. Organic, natural products of this kind may also cost more. However, as the industry progresses, we may expect some positive changes in this matter.

In the end, the option you choose depends on your goal; you may want to reduce waste or be gynaecological healthy, or both at the same time. Or, certain alternatives may actually help you save money in the long run. Make sure you know your body well, as well as your needs. In addition, you may want to see a doctor and have an allergy test performed, so you know what materials you must avoid.