Adult Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that affects around three percent of the US population. While scoliosis does not cause pain, adults with scoliosis often develop back pain due to degenerative changes in the spine with age. This is why you are required to manage scoliosis to limit the side effects. At Pain Relief Center Studio City, Ron Marinaro, DC, specializes in the effective management of scoliosis in adults. The experienced chiropractor provides patients with the most effective treatment procedures to ease distress and lessen the condition’s advancement. For Studio City scoliosis evaluation, call or schedule an appointment today.

What Exactly Is Scoliosis?

While a normal spine features a natural curve and distributes body weight and head pressure evenly, scoliosis refers to a condition that causes abnormal curvature in the spine. The spine curves and rotates sideways with scoliosis, creating an S-shaped or C-shaped curve. Scoliosis is mostly diagnosed in kids or teenagers during their development, and the treatment involves preventing the progression of the deformity before the skeletal growth is completed.

Unfortunately, scoliosis can also occur in adults or might need intervention later in life because of the structural changes in your spine as you age. Dr. Marinaro has been treating patients with scoliosis and back pain for more than thirty years, prescribing the best treatment protocols to relieve discomfort and lessen the progression of the curvature.

What Is Adult Scoliosis?

Adult scoliosis is a scoliosis condition when diagnosed after puberty. This condition is differentiated from childhood scoliosis due to the underlying cause and differing treatments. Adults with scoliosis might need ongoing care and management of the condition when diagnosed during childhood or didn’t get proper care for scoliosis, have a history of surgical scoliosis correction as a teen, or get scoliosis due to spinal degeneration. According to scientific research, around forty percent of grownups with scoliosis get curvature progression.

What Happens During a Scoliosis Appointment?

When you go for a consultation at Pain Relief Center Studio City, Dr. Marinaro starts by doing a comprehensive evaluation. He will review your medical history and scoliosis symptoms as well as carefully examine your spine. The doctor might also require you to conduct diagnostic imaging such as MRIs, X-rays, or CT scans to determine how severe the spine curvature is.

What Is the Available Scoliosis Treatment?

There are several scoliosis treatment plans for the best adult protocols. Dr. Marinaro has spent years researching the best protocol treatment and management plans and spends some time telling you about his recommended treatments. This way, you will understand what to expect and how the therapies will restore your back health. Some of the treatment plans available include;

  • Massage therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Chiropractic adjustments to limit the progression of the curvature
  • Modifying activity to lessen pain
  • Therapeutic exercise plan to strengthen your muscles for improved back support
  • Anti-inflammatory medication

The doctors might also recommend pulsed electromagnetic therapy to decrease pain, inflammation, and anxiety. The therapy triggers the natural healing properties of your body at a cellular level to enhance spine health and ease discomfort.

Adult scoliosis might develop over time, causing back pain. To prevent this, call or book an appointment at Pain Relief Center Studio City for expert care and management of scoliosis from professional chiropractors.