Well Woman Exam

You must schedule frequent checkups for your health. Well-woman visits are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helping women maintain excellent health in general. Women should begin having annual health checkups at the age of 18 or as soon as they become sexually active. Women between the ages of 13 and 15 are best served by seeing a female gynecologist. Ensure you seek your well woman exam San Antonio before it is too late.

Remember, alongside aiding in the wellbeing of young women, seeing a gynecologist earlier in life means that the doctor has more information to work with and that the patient-doctor bond is more robust. Here is some advice for young ladies who are about to get their first well-woman checkup.

Carry your insurance card to the appointment

Remember to carry your insurance card and let your doctor know if your insurance coverage has changed since your previous appointment. When you have your credit card with you, checking in is much faster and simpler. There are self-pay and finance solutions available if you do not have insurance or your insurance provider is no longer recognized.

Understand your family medical history

Before you go, do some research on your family’s medical history. Find out whether any significant diseases, such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, or gynecological issues, run in the family by talking to close family members. Finding ancestors from just the last three generations should be enough.

Do not go during your period

Take a day off from your period. The presence of blood might distort pap smear findings. You can avoid heavy bleeding by scheduling the procedure within the cycle, but women should consult with their doctor before deciding.

Bring a list of questions with you

Instead of thinking up questions on the fly, bring prepared questions to your appointment. Despite your best efforts, you will not be able to cover all aspects of your life or interests. Let your doctor know if you have any worries about your breast or pelvic region while examining it so that they can pay special attention to your issue(s). This will not serve you well if you inform them after the mammogram or Pap smear.

Bring a friend or family member for moral support

Be sure to bring someone special with you. The patient does not need to enter the examination room, but having a support network in the waiting area might help alleviate anxiety.

Keep a record of all your prescriptions

Make sure you are familiar with all of your prescriptions. Your doctor can only achieve a complete picture of your overall health if they know all your drugs and doses. Patients who see their doctor because they are experiencing symptoms that they do not like will be able to tell whether the medicine they are taking is to blame.

Even though it may not be something you look forward to, having your yearly well-woman check is critical to ensuring the greatest possible reproductive health and wellbeing. If you have a well-woman exam, it is an excellent time to better get to know your doctor and build trust.