cell therapy

Medical treatment involving medication is fraught with controversies about side effects of various medicines. All traditional medical treatments are based on the premise that side effects are an integral part of it.  It is like choosing the lesser evil when your body needs medical attention. Knowingly some adverse acting elements that cause minimum harm to our body systems are welcome to combat the disease which is more painful and harmful. Therefore, it is ridiculous to look for traditional medication that does not have any side effects. But people are still eager to look for alternative medical treatments that do away with side effects accompanied with medicines and stem cell therapy is the answer.

cell therapy

Power of healing

Dallas TX Stem cell therapy is one such alternative treatment that can address several medical conditions arising from various diseases.  Stem cells in our bodies have the rare ability of behaving in the way doctors treat their patients. Some areas of our bodies need special attention at some point of time. Stem cells are responsible for taking care of these areas by diagnosing the problem and making arrangements to set it right.  This is what we term as self healing when we see it from outside.  Stem cells have an active role in curing bruises and minor burns that heal on its own.  This power of healing of stem cells is utilized in stem cell treatment

How Stem cells work

Changes in the body are detected by stem cells and soon as it is detected the cells become active in garnering resources from the body system to assimilate tools that are required for healing.  This ability of adult stem cells to repair damaged body parts or organs has earned it the reputation as repair cells.  Stem cells are responsible for the process of tissue repairing that is accelerated through regeneration of tissues, inflammation is controlled, new blood vessels are created and further damage to cells is arrested. Dallas TX Stem cell therapy comprises of reintroducing stem cells obtained from your body in to the injured area which then undertakes the reconstruction activity.

 Is this an approved treatment procedure?

Stem cell therapy is yet to be recognized as a compete medical treatment, despite plenty of evidence about its effectiveness and success in the treatment of several diseases like coronary heart disease, autoimmune diseases, congestive heart failure, neurological conditions, heart attack, chronic wounds and conditions of joint pain arising from osteoarthritis and allied orthopedic problems. The treatment is yet to be approved by the FDA and is considered investigational in the US. However, this does not affect the end results, which are as impressive as it would be had the procedure been recognized as a medical treatment.

The results are encouraging enough but the treatment is costly and is yet to be considered for reimbursement by medical insurance companies. If you are planning to take a plunge, work out your arithmetic well so that you do not feel burdened by the expenditure that might prick you in the back despite all the good that you can expect from stem cell therapy.