
Moles are not always problematic. That is why most people ignore them unless they are on their faces. However, Fort Worth moles specialists encourage anyone with moles to pay close attention and often examine their skin to detect any changes since the moles can change to melanoma, a severe type of skin cancer. When you suspect your moles could be problematic, it is crucial to work closely with a dermatologist to understand how they can be safely and effectively removed. If you decide to go the surgical route, here is what you should do.

Consult Your Dermatologist

It would help if you had a dermatologist examine your mole before removing them. The expert can help determine if your moles are malignant and help you understand your best option in removing them. When your moles are not dangerous, it might not be necessary to have them removed. But if they are malignant, they should be removed as soon as possible. Your doctor uses the ABCDE guide to assess your moles and classify them according to their asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolution.

Evaluate Your Options

Your dermatologist will present several moles removal options when necessary to eliminate them. Ensure you carefully discuss the options with your doctor to find the right choice for you. Think about the effectiveness of the treatment option, including if the moles will be permanently removed or if there are chances of regrowth. Think about the cost of each treatment and go with what you can afford. Also, consider the risks involved in every treatment and ensure you choose the most secure treatment for you.

Consider Shaving

If you have surface moles, shaving could be the right option to eliminate them. It involves your doctor shaving off every mole with a scalpel so that it no longer forms a bump on your skin. Stitches will be unnecessary, and your doctor will only be cauterized or cover the wound in cream to prevent bleeding. They will also apply a topical antibiotic and bandage the damage, and you will be free to leave the office.

Consult About Excision

If your moles are flat, dark, and penetrate deep within your skin, you might want to consider removing them through excision followed by stitches. Your doctor sterilizes and numbs the mole and the surrounding skin and then cuts the mole out using a scalpel. The size of the moles determines how deep your doctor will cut through your skin. If the moles are malignant, you can expect your doctor to cut a wider area to ensure they are entirely removed.

Consider Freezing or Cryosurgery

This involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze out the moles. Your doctor destroys the mole tissue, and there will be no tissue for lab tests. The liquid nitrogen can be directly applied to the moles using a cotton swab or delivered in the form of a spray. It can be applied severally until all the mole tissue is destroyed. Although it can form a blister, your skin should get back to normal after healing. Other surgical interventions to remove moles include burning or electrocoagulation and electrosurgery.

Get in touch with the mole specialists at Northstar Dermatology if you have suspicious moles in your skin. Your doctor will help determine if your moles are ordinary or problematic and advise you on the best way to remove them. You can book a consultation appointment online or via a call.