After an injury, you might find it hard to shake off the pain. This is even after the injury looks healed. The problem occurs due to over sensitivity and reaction to pain sensation in response to an injury. This is much like allergies in how the immune system reacts to allergens. The problem, while complex, stems from your autoimmune and genetic. This is noting that while you experience the pain, another person who had the same injury, perhaps even more serious, could heal and get rid of the pain. Complex regional pain syndrome in Eugene occurs after an injury to the limb (arm or leg). Besides the severe pain, you could experience symptoms including excessive sweating, skin discoloration, pin/needles sensation, and motion problems in the affected limb.

As the name suggests, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) doesn’t have a single test and treatment approach. The diagnosis considers a set of physical tests and your medical history. X-ray, MRI, bone scan, and sweat production tests are the common procedures that help diagnose. The treatment options include medication and therapy following your unique situation. With such variables, as you select a doctor, you need to be thorough when vetting a doctor. This ensures you pick a professional who can provide practical solutions. Among the top considerations to ensure you pick the right CRPS specialist includes:

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Navigating medical complexities requires more than academic qualifications. Hands-on experience equips a specialist with skills they would not accumulate from books and other resources. Considering the complexities associated with CRPS, you need a doctor who has handled many cases. Such a specialist can run a thorough diagnosis and offer effective treatment approaches. Ask the doctor how long they have been in the industry, the number of CRPS cases handled, and the frequency. If they regularly handle the syndrome, you can rest assured that your needs are in the best hands.


Does the specialist have the right tools for the job? You don’t want to be sent to a different facility for an MRI or another test. Such an experience can be inconvenient, a frustration you should not have to deal with as you strive to manage the severe pain. Asking the specialist if they have the equipment to manage the process, from diagnosis to treatments like mirror and heat therapy, ensures you enlist a reliable service. You will enjoy the convenience of all-under-one-roof services, making it easier to manage the process.


Managing CRPS can be costly, especially with multiple tests you may have to take. This is not to mention some therapies that your insurance might not cover. See if the specialist offers friendly payment structures as you consider the cost. A flexible structure can accommodate your situation, ensuring you are not financially frustrated as you seek medical attention.


Are the specialists’ previous clients happy? From professionalism to the quality of the service delivered, clients’ input can help you learn a lot about a specialist. If the specialist has a poor rating and many complaints, you can’t expect your case to be any different. Ensure you pick a doctor with a proven track record and backed by many satisfied clients.

Managing CRPS can be a daunting journey, but you will realize a better experience with the right specialist. Contact Pacific Sports and Spine today and start your healing journey.